2-2.5 kilometers downhill from Rishyap, the 2nd last village of West Bengal a small village within ideal trekking rout. You can go through the main road which is 1 kilometer uphill from Rishyap and then turn left for downhill within the jungle. Other than that there is a short cart. The short cart road is very beautiful and enjoyable for an ideal trek. Start walking from in front of the Resort Sonar Tari for downhill. There is a narrow footpath here. You need to cross a small falls to reach the main village. Cross the village and ask for the “Mandir” road, the villagers will show you the road for Seole Village. There is a big “Shri Shiva Buddha Temple” at the end of the village. Tired?? Take rest and ask water from any village houses, they are very helpful.
- Short cart trek route from Rishyap to Seole Village
- Trek route to Seole Village from Rishop
- Seole Village is the 2nd last village of West Bengal
- Shri Shiva Buddha Temple at Seole Village entry
- Shri Shiva Buddha Temple at Seole Village
If you have time in your hand go for the last village of West Bengal. There you will have Pears (Nashpati) garden and peach fruit garden here. You can reach to Sikkim by walking from here within 8h hour.
During the time of returning collect phone number from Suntec Resort, Hotel Neils, Ice View Cottage etc. for your next trip to Rishyap.